Final Animation:
There are lots of things which I learnt throughout development of this Animation, which I will update later. For now, below is the final Animation:
This is the WIP of an animation which is based on harmful impact of radiation coming from devices such as mobile phones /base-stations on Human Body. It is a well - known fact that our body has it's own bio-field and it gets disrupted due to extensive use of devices which radiates energy.
The idea was to represent the effect on the most vital organs, thus I selected "Neurons" because of their contribution in our daily work.
Textures Used:
Unwrapped UV'd Texture:
Wireframe Sample:
Simulation Playblast:
There are lots of things which I learnt throughout development of this Animation, which I will update later. For now, below is the final Animation:
This is the WIP of an animation which is based on harmful impact of radiation coming from devices such as mobile phones /base-stations on Human Body. It is a well - known fact that our body has it's own bio-field and it gets disrupted due to extensive use of devices which radiates energy.
Modeling,Simulation and Rendering is done in Maya with V-ray as Render-engine.
Texturing is done in Mari for Foreground Neurons and those in the back have procedural textures.
A rough composite for this shot is done in Adobe Photoshop.
Below is a snapshot of the WIP:
Below is a snapshot of the WIP:
Textures Used:
Procedural Texture Samp:
Unwrapped UV'd Texture:
Wireframe Sample:
Linear Wokrflow in Mari:
Following is the process adopted by me for creating all textures in linear color-space:
Simulation Playblast: